Wednesday, 17 January 2007

North Star Guild Meeting

At last nights meeting the turnout was 29 members. We may have been a small group but we had a great time. Here are some hidden ladies holding up Florence's quilts. Wayne gave Florence's squares to some of the guild members to finish. We spent all day finishing these four quilts for Wayne.
Kathy and Lorie demonstrated paper piecing. It was very entertaining, as well as being informative. The paper piecing project is jars. This will be our comfort quilt square for February and March. The patterns can be picked up at Faktor's. The lid should be grey and the background white.
We convinced Marg H to join in the crayon challenge. Here she is bravely picking her crayon.

Lorie S had a great bag at show and tell last night. She made it out of bali fabric but it was very different. Part of the bag was pieced and the top was knit out of bali fabric strips. Many of the members were very interested in the pattern. Here is the link to the pattern PDF:

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