Wednesday 24 January 2018

The Quilt Swami

This was sent to me by our member Lorna .... quite cute reading. 
The source is from Mary Fons of Fons and Porter. You can read her blog  Here

Reading your horoscope is kind of like eating a dish of those frozen ice cream pellets at the county fair. It’s a strange experience you don’t understand but it’s harmless, really, and besides, how many times can a person go check out what’s happening in the hog barn?

That a quilter would have a specific horoscope is not a new idea, but until now, no one has consulted the Great and Wondrous Swami Scout. She is very mysterious and in high-demand, for she tells not just a daily quilter horoscope, but gives month-by-month horoscopes for the whole year, and will do that for you now.

Quilters consulting Swami Scout’s great-great-grandmother to know their future. At least their future purchases. Image: Wikipedia.

“Oh, Great and Wondrous Swami Scout,” you say, admiring her gauzy cape. “That sounds amazing. But how can you tell me my zodiac future without knowing my astrological sign?”

You notice a serious buildup of dust on Swami Scout’s crystal ball, though you don’t say anything about it, which Swami Scout appreciates.

Swami Scout throws her head back and laughs, knocking off her turban in the process, but it’s fine. The Swami takes your hand and looks deep into your eyes and says, “Swami Scout does not require such trivial details when it comes to the knowledge of celestial bodies. Just…just don’t ask so many questions.”

Before you have time to change your mind, the Swami whips her cape around her body so that she’s just peeking out over the top, which she feels makes her look very psychic. Swami Scout’s assistant, Rhianna, comes in with tea and then you all sit down as the master shares with you your horoscope for the coming year after asking you if you’ll be using a credit card or paying in cash.

Prints of this painting available for $9.99 with purchase of membership to the Swami Scout Club. Image: Wikipedia.JANUARY
This year you will need to be more careful
with your money. You may find things in a store that you really want, but this year, focus more on the things that you need. You need more fabric.

You will have to work hard to keep your energy and overall vitality up. It will be important for you to get as much sleep as possible to renew your energy levels, so stop watching so much Netflix and go to bed.

Ugh. It’s cold and rainy. You should probably just stay inside and sew. You can put something
on Netflix, I guess.

With the moon in Capricorn and the sun in Gemini (???) it’s a terrific month to deal with your Un-Finished Objects (UFOs.) They miss you.

You will be involved in many guild activities, which will leave very little time to concentrate on any one of them. Get a Second You and put her to work. Then let me know where you got her because I could really use a Second Me.

This is a good month to make investments, so buy the really, really expensive sewing machine. I foresee one coming on the market that makes you a cup of coffee and listens
to you when you just need to get a few things off your chest. It will also do an amazing blanket stitch.

Ugh. It’s so hot. You should probably just stay inside and sew. But no Netflix!

This looks like some kind of tool that might be helpful but heck if I know. Image: Wikipedia.AUGUST
Still hot — but look at how much you’re getting done!

There will be major changes in your professional life. Maybe it’s a new job, maybe it’s retirement. Maybe you’ll get promoted, but you might get let go. You could become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but you might embark on a failed business venture. It’s impossible to say, really. After all, no one can see the future. I mean…um, well, haha, that’s a joke, you see. Of course, I can tell the future. That’s my job! It’s totally possible to see the future. Promise. I’m sorry, there are no refunds for Swami Scout’s mystical predictions. Where were we?

You’re getting very good at machine applique on your new machine. Watch out for
envious friends.

If you’re gonna get that Yuletide Cheer Christmas quilt done, you gotta start that
puppy now.

Family and friends bring warmth and comfort. Everyone admires your Yuletide Cheers Christmas table topper.

Monday 22 January 2018

January Meeting Highlights

We had a fairly lively bunch for our January meeting. Our crowd thins somewhat in these winter months as many of our friends head south for warmer winds. Here's a sample of some of the hard work our ladies have been up to recently.

Cynthia shows off a super sweet baby quilt mad with her cookies from other projects. It has the sweetest binding. 

Iris was a busy lady before Christmas making full sized quilts for her hubby and kids. This is a 'Carpenter Star' for her carpenter husband.

Cindy made this cozy winter delight - a gift for the best person - herself!


If it weren't for Phyllis, we would have had a fairly lean show and tell this month. 
She shows of a real classic piece here. This is a Kansas Troubles original. It is quilted with chocolate thread and is as cozy as it looks.

Two more for Phyllis ..... 


And a fourth !!!

I love how she calls herself a beginner quilter! This stack n' whack is not for the faint of heart.


Our guild very often gets together and produces different blocks to construct our comfort quilts. Members each make one, two or more blocks. Sometimes we get 10 or 12 back, sometimes 30! This is a shot of a sweet tulip paper pieced block a few of us made. We are short about 5 to make a nice double size quilt so we put the call out to construct a couple more. I can't wait to see the spring beauty we create from these fun blocks!

I hope you can join us for a fun day of sewing. We will meet up next on the first Saturday of February for a UFO day. I only have 9 UnFinished Objects to complete ... maybe I will come by and start something new! ;)


Sunday 14 January 2018

Welcome 2018

Two sewing machines were sitting in a bar .... one said to the other .... "Hey, are you a singer?" The other says, "Why do you Ja-No-Me"

Happy New Year to everyone.

We are excited to get together this year and share our love of quilting. Our guild is always welcome to new members, of all levels of quilting. Please shoot me a message if you have anything to add or share here on our blog!



We had a blast at our annual guild Christmas party. We had lots of fun and fellowship. A few of us dropped some money on some wonderful draws, filled our tummies with cookies and cider and of course had a great show and tell.

Iris was on a mission this past year making full sized quilts for her kids and hubby. She was busy!

Sandra shows off her scrap placemats. Sandy is a good fabric forager.


Lorna shows off an original .... she won a bundle of scrappy strips at a function we had and made them into a large quilt. It turned out really sweet!

Sandra never disappoints .... this read work embroidery is unbelievable. Her half square triangles, simple and sweet.

Evelyn shows off two original designs. Well done Evelyn!

Lynne also designed her piece. It was quite a feet. Over 400 half square triangles to make this skull.

Robin has been vacationing in Denare Beach. We haven't seen much of her lately so it was nice she was able to come in for our party.

Marg is always a real producer and her purple masterpiece is a charmer.

Myrna shows off a sweet market bag and a throw she made for her self.

 Rae's labor of love ... a beauty only 3 years in the making. I wish you could see the intricate hand embroidery. (zoom in on the reindeer - they have fringed blankets on their backs). Lovely.

Some ladies were busy making wallets and retreat bags

I'm here accepting an armful of placemats on behalf of the hospital which we donate every year to Meals on Wheels

Mouthwatering picture here ....

A few action shots of our party

Until next time!

November Highlights

I tried very hard to get fired as guild blogger but everyone is too nice ... it didn't happen!
Better late than never!
Here is a review of our wonderful show and tell from November

Audrey was extremely busy working through her stash .... I'm so happy we even caught a picture of her smiling! Yay!!!



Lorna was excited to be a 'finisher' ... she'll have more soon ....

This is a closeup of a great quilt that Phyl made for her winter home in the states ... she put her embroidery skills to good use with this one.

And some sweet mini's from Phyl


Cynthia makes beautiful pieces and this lovely blue and white star quilt is top notch. A gift for her sister, I'm sure it is loved.

 Sandra usually charms us with her stories ... she has lots of 'tell' with 'show and tell'. She's a hoot to have in our guild.

Yvonne shows off some of her lovelies this month




 Helen wowed us with a load of finished quilts. She has been busy since retiring!




Gladys shows off some mini makes


Cindy is new to our guild and is stunning us with her projects

Two sweet babies from Linda


Vivian shows off some scrappy placemats and a darling panda quilt

June has a new grandchild and a new quilt to go with

I'm showing off my collage quilt 'Love many trust few, always paddle your own canoe'

 Eileen has been busy busting her stash. Well done Eileen!

A shot of some of the packaged quilts ready to be delivered .... we made over 50 quilts this season to distribute throughout our community. Various agencies like CFS always welcome our quilts.

This is a special quilt we presented to one of our members who has been having an especially challenging year. We love her and hope that this quilt reminds her of that.

 ~ Sheri

( I won't be so damn late in 2018!!)