Wednesday 24 March 2010

March Meeting

31 members came out on a lovely spring thaw evening.

The day was spend going over the quilt show plans and putting together a final Quilt of Comfort and Remberance top.

Our quilt for the Art show is ready. Kathy did a beautiful job of the quilting.
The baby challenge quilts should all be turned in to Kathy for judging. Good luck to all the entries.
Here are some of the winter wear unfinished blocks, the rest csn be turned into Evelyn on Thursday April 8, when you bring in your quilt show entries.
There is still an opening for a library person for a two year term.
Members are reminded to sign up for times to volunteer for the Quilt show and for the set up on Thursday. If you haven't signed up for something and you want to help on Thursday, just show up at the Community hall after lunch. No help will be refused for Friday or Saturday as well.
Here are some of the finished pinwheel blocks for the March and April comfort blocks.
Lorie and Kathy had a power point presentation, and a hands on demo at the meeting. The subject was tessellations.

The power point demo

Some items have been received for the Twoonie Parade and any other donations will be accepted during the quilt show setup time.
Members are asked to bring two dozen cookies each and kitchen helpers should bring their own tea towels.
Quilt racks are needed for the stage display. If you have one to lend the contact person is Audrey Neufeld.

Here are two of the Guild's comfort quilts.
The Turtle quilt
and the last bargello
Kathy proudly displaying her dyed fabric

Yvonne with her pinwheel quilt

and her Irish chain.

Jeannie's baby quiltRobin's heart quilt

Robin's table runner Marg's wall hanging

Lorie's finished sample round robin

Marg L's finished a celtic wall hanging using her own dyed fabric
Melba's lovely Pink quilt
Marg H's Bound to the Prairie quilt

Donna's Baby quilt

and Donna's very large mystery quilt

See you at the quilt show and

Happy Quilting!

Monday 15 March 2010

March Meeting Reminder

The Quilt Show is fast approaching and here is a list of reminders for the March Meeting.
-Need Toonie Parade items - do not have to be a quilted item but please no fabric or kits, finished projects are great.
Check your schedules as we need lots of volunteers for:
- Quilt Show stations
- Set up on Thursday April 8
- Take Down on Sat April 10

Reminder we are receiving the quilts on Thursday April 8 from 10am to 1pm in the Community Hall.

-New executive - Still need library and more people for programs ( have a leader for that)
-Don't forget to bring your Baby Challenge quilt! Please fill out an entry form for you baby challenge quilt too.
-If your Winter Wear block is done you can bring that too or wait until the Show Set up day.
-Quilts Show forms should be turned in at the March Meeting but you do have until March 27 at the LATEST.
-Every member is asked to bring 2 dozen cookies to the show.
-Prairie Chicks are coming for our Merchant Mall so spread the word.