Monday 29 January 2007

Meeting Notice and News

This posting has a little bit of everything. The next North Star Guild meeting will be held on February 20, at the United Church from 9Am - 9PM. We will be working on the Log Cabin squares in the afternoon. Any of our members looking for ways to put their log cabin block of the month together might be interested in coming out to get some different ideas. Also, we have received a couple of donations of log cabin blocks. If you are not interested in making a quilt or project out of all or some of your squares, the guild will gladly take them off your hands. Feel free to drop them of at Faktors before the next meeting and someone will bring them out for the afternoon comfort quilt workshop. (or sweatshop as Marg H calls it).

The evening program will be presented by Kathy and Lori and will cover bindings. They have 3 or 4 different binding methods.

Oh yes, and the photo, is Raye and Rae at Fanny Bay working on a hand quilting project with the ladies.

Looking forward to a great turn out on the 20th. Don't forget your paper pieced jars. Happy Quilting!

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Boomer Caps

Here are some of the Boomer caps that were made by Rae's sister Bette and by Evelyn B.
The pattern to make these caps is available at Faktor's. Rae is taking these with her to B.C. where the Canadian Forces will take them to Afganistan. They are used to keep the small infants warm and reduce the mortality rate. I have enclosed a link to the explanation of the cap's name "Boomer Cap"

Here is a link to the PDF for the pattern

The information on both the links is worth uploading and reading. If any of our members wish to make some of these hats, the Guild will see that they are sent away.

North Star Guild Meeting

At last nights meeting the turnout was 29 members. We may have been a small group but we had a great time. Here are some hidden ladies holding up Florence's quilts. Wayne gave Florence's squares to some of the guild members to finish. We spent all day finishing these four quilts for Wayne.
Kathy and Lorie demonstrated paper piecing. It was very entertaining, as well as being informative. The paper piecing project is jars. This will be our comfort quilt square for February and March. The patterns can be picked up at Faktor's. The lid should be grey and the background white.
We convinced Marg H to join in the crayon challenge. Here she is bravely picking her crayon.

Lorie S had a great bag at show and tell last night. She made it out of bali fabric but it was very different. Part of the bag was pieced and the top was knit out of bali fabric strips. Many of the members were very interested in the pattern. Here is the link to the pattern PDF:

Wednesday 10 January 2007

Crayon Challenge 2007

This is the new quilt challenge for 2007. You can participate and choose whether or not you want to be judged. If you don't want to be judged consider participating just to challenge yourself. Kathy S has the wrapped crayons available for purchase.

1. Pick a wrapped crayon and the colour of the crayon that you pick will be the dominant colour of your challange. You can use different colours in your challenge but make sure that the crayon colour is the main focus in the quilt. You can use lighter and darker shades of your crayon to help get this effect. (Colouring a piece of paper with your crayon can help).

2. The binding on your challenge must be the colour of your crayon.

3. Challenge must fit in a 50 inch x 60 inch area - any shape.

4. Use as many fabrics as you like and embellishments allowed.

5. Machine or hand quilted by entrant.

6. Judging will be based on:
-Visual Impact - How well you have used your crayon coloour as well as how the other fabrics in your challenge were used to complement your crayon colour.
- Workmanship - Piecing, quilting, and finishing.

7. Crayon must be turned in with the challenge for judging.

8. DEADLINE October 1, 2007

9. Cost of Kit is $10.

10. Sponsored by Faktors.

For more info contact Kathy S.

Monday 8 January 2007

Christmas Party Pictures

This is a great photo of our Quilt of Hope. Kathy did a nice job of the machine quilting. It went to the local Breast Cancer group. They are planning to sell tickets on the quilt as a fund raiser, with an event planned sometime this coming October. We wish them good luck on their raffle.

Here are some pictures of the Christmas Party. What a lovely evening.

Some of the ladies are working on the Christmas craft. We made a Christmas fabic broach that was demonstrated by Lorna H. This is one of the comfort quilts we handed out that evening.

Meeting Notice

The next Guild meeting will be on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at the United Church.

We will be there at 9AM, so anyone who wants to come out and help with the comfort quilts, is welcome at any point in the day.

All helping hands are welcome, or if you are having a busy day, bring your lunch and have a visit.

The regular meeting starts at 7PM

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday night.

Happy Quilting.