Wednesday 25 November 2009

November Quilting Retreat

The quilt retreat on the weekend was a great success. We had over 20 ladies show up to work on various projects. Barb was there and took lots of photos. Here are some of the pictures she took of the fun event.

Here is our happy group on Saturday.

Thursday 19 November 2009

November 2009 Meeting

We had 37 members turn out on a beautiful November evening.

There was a lot of show and tell during the evening, with many of the members
finishing their Celtic knot projects from last month.

Here is the Guild's bow tie quilt all finished
And our flower quilt is all quilted.
Our fall retreat will be held November 21/22 at the Victoria Inn. Participants are asked to bring a small snack, a quilting hint, blog/quilt shop info, and one of a $5 quilt notion, fat quarter or thread.

The annual Christmas party will be held December 15th. Please bring a guest, a yellow fat quarter in a plain paper bag, place mats for Meals on Wheels, embellishment project, and any completed blocks from the mystery wall hanging. Also if you signed up to bring cookies please bring them as well. It was decided that the coffee donation money will go to the Elks Christmas Cheer Fund. A preview was given of some of the Silent Auction items. There are some nice things to bid on, so don't forget you cheque book.

Baby Quilt Challenge - the challenge for the quilt show will be a quilt suitable for a baby with all piecing and quilting to be done by the entrant. Motion carried.
Below is a photo of the Comfort block for the next 2 months. If you haven't picked up any kits, please do so at the next meeting.

Bird House Quilt Raffle tickets are available. Members are asked to pick up some books to sell from Rae B. Draw will take place at the Quilt Show in April.

Flin Flon Arts council has asked if the Guild would display Christmas and winter themed quilted items at the December 17/18 Ham Sandwich production of Oliver Twist. Items can be brought to the December meeting.

Mystery Quilt Part 3 was demonstrated by Rae , Sandra , and Lorna. The blocks are a basket/cake stand, a corner square, and a flying geese border.

We are still working on Maple leaf blocks. There is a precut white background available at the meeting. This background is to be paired with a Medium or Light blue fabric only. We are going to a make a blue and white Quilt of Valour in the new year.
We still have quilts that are all basted and waiting for a nice guild member to take home and machine quilt.

Yvonne's Mystery quilt is finished. Blanch finished the last of Florence's blocks.
Nadine with her Turning Twenty again quilt

And Raye proudly displays her hockey quilt.

and the other Rae has her County Lines quilt ready to go to Kathy for quilting.

Happy quilting!

Monday 9 November 2009

Star Quilt Raffle Winner

Remember this quilt! Last January we donated it to the Flin Flon/Creighton Parents for Music Education for a raffle quilt and they had their draw this weekend. The winner was grade 9 student Sandra Kritzer, Dianne O'Brien daughter. Dianne had joked to the chair of the commitee that they can " just give them a call when they win".....well they got that call!

Saturday 7 November 2009

Craft Show Quilt Raffle

Today was the Christmas Craft Sale at the Creighton Community Hall and here is Rae, Sandra, and Raye on the first shift selling tickets for our raffle quilt. The beautiful Bargello quilt looked great hanging on the hall wall as a back drop to our sale table. This quilt was made by the guild members and quilting by Lori Suss. Ticket sales were very good and the winner of the quilt was Gaye Blatherwick who is a guild member!
Hope everyone enjoyed all the craft shows in town today.