Sunday 29 July 2012

July 2012 Meeting Highlights

The weather outside was very hot, and the turnout for the afternoon was very small, but it was enthusiastic.

The meeting was called to order by Rae B.  There were 22 members present and  1 guest.  

A postcard from Audrey  was read telling of her travels and quilt shop finds in the north.

Below are two of the clubs comfort quilts all quilted and returned

The August 21st meeting will include the recycle sale in the evening.  All proceeds go to the seller.  Bring any fabrics, notions etc. that you want to recycle in the sale.  You set the price.

The August daytime meeting will include a project assembling a Twister Quilt.  This will begin at 1 pm.

A registration form for the Arts Council’s Christmas Craft Sale was received and deemed unnecessary as there is no Quilt Show raffle this year.

Listen for news on an upcoming retreat at Paradise Lodge.

Rolling Ray of Sunshine, rolling quilt shop will be in The Pas on August 17, 18 and in Flin Flon on August 20-23.  Watch for locations (possibly the church parking lot) and posters with more information.

Kathy from Tamarack Shack showed her picks for contrasting fabrics for the mystery quilt beginning in January to give an idea of the contrast needed.

Rae B, Eileen M and Evelyn B are assembling a Cobblestones quilt to be raffled at the Christmas Craft Sale in Creighton.

Numerous requests for Comfort Quilts have been confirmed.  Any ideas for additional recipients for quilts are needed.

Marg and Barb H have compiled two binders with a photo record of all Comfort and Raffle Quilts made to date. 

Rae B has put a call out for light and dark fabrics, cut in five inch squares, to make half square triangles for Comfort Quilts. The dark fabrics should be masculine fabrics.

Marg F will be doing a project with strips soon.

The church has been booked for a “6 Hour Quilt” on Saturday October 20, 2012 to help meet the requests for Comfort Quilts.

A discussion was held on how to make people more aware of the Comfort Quilt concept.

Show and Tell for July

Happy Quilting

Friday 6 July 2012

June 2012 Meeting

The quilt members worked on comfort quilts in the afternoon.  Here are a few of the comfort quilts than have come back from the members all machine quilted, an bound.

 There are also a few comfort quilts that need a machine quilter.  Please consider taking quilt home to machine quilt.  It is really good practice.

 Nadine is hiding behind this quilt and she shouldn't be, since she was kind enough to make this pink lovely for the Rae's Challenge.
 Here are our members holding up their completed 2010 mystery wall hangings.
Lori and Kathy have completed the pattern for the new challenge for January 2013.  It is called
Double Trouble Mystery Quilt.  The fabric requirements are now available at the quild meetings.
So, if you are planning on making this two coloured quilt please pick up the list and you will have lots of time to purchase your fabric.
 The program for the evening was a presentation by Sandra, Rae and Lorna.  This was a power point photo presentation of the Halifax CQA convention in early June.
The comfort square was once again the elongated nine patch in jewel tones.
The meeting and business was quiet, as we were all recovering from the quilt show and business from the previous month.

The ladies have been busy sewing at home, as this lovely show and tell presentation will prove.


Happy Quilting