Sunday 20 February 2011

Guild Meeting February 15, 2011

There were 30 members present and 1 guest on a cold snowy winter evening.
There was lots of work done on comfort quilts in the afternoon.
The SPCA come to the church in the afternoon to be presented with the quilt we made for their next raffle.
This is a photo of all our Northern Alphabet blocks.
All of our Northern alphabet blocks have been returned except W. 

We reviewed the disappearing four patch comfort block once again.

Lori and Kathy discussed the February instructions for the mystery quilt.  Participants who bring their tops completed correctly and up to date to the next meeting will be entered into a draw for some hand dyed fat quarters.

Kathy and Lori with the mystery quilts.
The program for the evening was binding techniques.  Audrey did the demonstrations.
Audrey Demonstrating binding

·       Entry forms and information for the Northern Juried Art show that is being held in Flin Flon, June 2-4, 2011, are available from the Guild.  Entry deadline is April 15.

·       Our first “Blog Book” was purchased.  We now have a printed record of our blog from the beginning of 2007 through to the end of 2010.
·       The group was surveyed for interest in a Spring Retreat.  The first choice was April 15 & 16 if the church is available.

 We had an amazing amount of show and tell for the evening.  With each lady proudly displaying her quilt.  We heard interesting stories to go along with many of the quilts.
Kathy with the guild's ice cream comfort quilt.

Great work ladies.
Happy Quilting!