Monday 31 October 2011

October 2011 Meetings Highlights

We had a total of 35 members come out to our October meeting.

Some of our members completed and returned the Old Italian square.  As you can see they are a very interesting square.  If you haven't completed yours yet, don't worry you can return it completed for the November meeting.

 Marg demonstrated the final stage of the paper bag quilt.

 The afternoon and evening demonstration included the use of the x Block ruler.  The members were putting these lessons to use by constructing the black and white quilt below.

 The afternoon sewers completed the star quilt top
 While these  Three new comfort quilts came back from our member quilted and bound

A reminder was given about the dates when we will be selling tickets for our raffle quilts.
(On Saturday November 5th we will be selling tickets on our Bargello quilt at the Flin Flon Craft sale as well as selling tickets on our Snowman quilt at the Creighton Craft show.  If you have any items that you would like to sell at the Creighton sale please let Kathy know so we can arrange to have them at the table.  We have all the volunteers we need for the Creighton table but we need a few more for the Bargello table. )

A Quilt Show meeting will be held at 5pm at our November Guild Day. (If you have signed up for a job or would like to still help we hope you can make it.  We will be going over the jobs that need to be done, block contest theme, challenge ideas, so if you have any ideas you would like to share or questions about the job you signed up for please come.)

We had a large show and tell for the evening as well. So get your tea and sit back and enjoy all the hard  and creative work from our members.

Happy Quilting!


Thursday 20 October 2011

Fall Retreat

It was a beautiful fall weekend for our retreat, we even had the doors open so we could enjoy the fresh air while we sewed.  We had a record number turn out but still plenty of room for everyone. A total of 28 member joined us for the pot luck supper which was delicious as always.

Here are the project members where working on or finished!

I had to comment on this next picture. Barb, our guild photographer, just bought her first sewing machine and started her first quilting project. Great to see you in front of a sewing machine and the camera Barb!!

On Saturday October 1 we held an Open House as part of the Culture Days activities in our town.  We had about 35 visitors drop by to see what we were working on.  Here are pictures of our display in the main lobby that welcomed in our visitors.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

September 2011

We had 36 members and one guest turn out to our September meeting.
Below our President Kathy proudly displays our new guild table banner, this is one of three.  Which will be used to display our name when we have a table set up to sell tickets or for demonstrations at various community activities.

Our new Mystery quilt for this fall was introduced by Marg F.

The members lined up to select the squares for their paper bag quilt.

The library has some new stencils, the autumn copy of The Canadian Quilter,  and the Sept/Oct issues of the Quiltmaker and Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting.

43 Touch quilts were donated to the Northern Lights Manor.  Kits to make more quilts are still available.

A reminder was given about the Retreat being held on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1. (Fri 9 am till?? Sat 9-9) We will participate in Culture Days on the Saturday by holding an Open House. Members are asked to bring a finished quilt to put on display.

A table has been booked at the Flin Flon Arts Council Craft Show on November 5 to sell tickets on our Bargello Raffle quilt.

The meeting date for October will be changed to Monday, October 17th due to the flu clinic being held at the church.

The Northern Country Crafters Craft Sale will be held on Saturday, November 5th.  We will be raffling our snowman quilt at the sale.

Here is another one of our quilts ready for a raffle.  
. Audrey demonstrated our new comfort block for October and November called the old Italian block.  later in the evening Marg F demonstrated cleaning and care of your sewing machine.  She also sharpened
scissors at the meeting.  She will be at the October meeting to sharpen scissors again.  The charge is $2.00 per pair.

Our quilt show is this spring and a quilt show committee needs to be set up. Members who are interested in heading up one of the many jobs were asked to sign the sheet.

We will again donate baby and toddler quilts to the Elks for their Christmas Hampers. The guild will make some and donations from individual members are welcome. Items should be turned in by the November meeting.

We will again do the place mats for Meals on Wheels for our Christmas party.  The colour for the fat quarter exchange will be red.

Social Services could use more Kid’s Bags.

Here are the show and tell photos for September

That is Marg hiding behind Flinty.

See you in October.
Happy Quilting.