Wednesday 7 April 2021

March Meeting Highlights

And then it was spring ...  its hard to believe it is March already. Easy to say, the last year has had its share of ups and downs. (As I publish this post, now into April! sigh ... time ... things taking more time than we thought seem to be a theme for our March show and tell) 

We were sad to cancel our quilt show in the fall and then guild Christmas party but celebrate we were able to meet virtually. Many members saw some very creative days during the pandemic lock downs. 

It is so much better to gift a loved one a quilt than trip over a box of scraps! Sandra dug deep into her stash to make another quilt for her granddaughter. She usually gets one for the bed and one to drag. This lovely quilt was made from old fabrics, some made into garments and others in past quilts. 

With much the same idea, Rae created a stash buster for Ted. The Kansas Troubles fabric is perfect with this kind of free form pattern.

She also made a lovely scrap quilt all for herself. This beauty is made with reproduction fabrics. The pattern is called 'Puzzle Box' by Christa Quilts  ... hit the link to get one for yourself. Thanks Rae! 

Rae sewed up this top and I quilted it for our comfort quilt program. 

I spiced up the back a bit with some butterfly fabric I just got in. 

Judy had fun cleaning out her cupboard. She made a few lap quilts for our comfort quilt donation pile. She used left over bits from quilts she made for her grandchildren. Phyl helped by donating some backing. Patterns don't need to be complicated to make a beautiful quilt. 

Eileen sent this St. Patrick's Day beauty ... apparently, it was only 25 years in the making! This was an old stashed UFO that she found with her move to Selkirk. Well done Eileen, keep them coming! 

Eileen also produced this sweet hanging

Lorna has also been busy this winter. She says this fabric has been 'marinating' for some time ... it was maybe purchased at Satin Moon in Victoria some time ago. 

The quilt looks better dressed with Lorna's niece who she gifted the quilt to. 

Lorna says that I saved the day by quilting up her stashed UFO but I don't know about that. The flannel rail fence is simple and lovely. 

Everyone was tackling forgotten projects in March. Sandra S. submitted this sweet hanging called Rise and Shine ... 2nd prize for her this month as it only took her 20 years. You girls are determined! 

Cindy sent these lovely quilts for show and tell on behalf of her mom Betty Wallaker in Melfort. 

Betty's bargello quilts are wonderful. 

If I missed any pictures this time around I apologize. Send me your show and tell for April to

Happy sewing! 