Monday 25 March 2024

Guild Day, Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 Our turn out today varied from eight to ten members throughout the day. Many of our members are still on their winter break. Even though our numbers were small we accomplished a good deal. As a matter of fact, I got so involved in pinning and making binding that I forgot to take pictures! Shame on me!

Sandra S. was working on quilting a previously pin basted quilt and Moira was hand stitching binding with Evelyn. I was making binding for the gray and yellow Circle of Friends quilt while Bev and Audrey were preparing quilt sandwiches for pin basting.

During the day we were able to pin three comfort quilts as well as two emergency services quilts. June, Susan, Patty B. and Donna were lending a hand with the various projects. 

Donna updated the inventory and a copy has been put in the library.

Unfortunately we were unable to get a vendor for our Spring Retreat on May 3rd and 4th. Lynn will have a small project for us to work on at the retreat. Tammy will be catering a meal for us on the Friday evening.

We had a good number of Show and Tell items.

Audrey stitched this comfort quilt from poly/cotton strips. She added some rick rack strips for interest.

This quilt was started by Val Whitbread. She was unable to complete it so Audrey finished it up and Val graciously donated it as a comfort quilt.

                             The emergency services quilt from last quild day is now completed.

Another quilt for emergency services is ready to go. In total, Audrey has 11 quilts in various stages of construction. She is one busy lady!

Susan put together this Propeller block that caught her eye. This looks like something that might work well for a comfort block in the future!

Sandra was going through her trunk and found examples of various types of projects she had done in different stages of her life. This one is an example of liquid embroidery.

This example is stitched with embroidery floss. I’m sure most of us remember embroidering tea towels and pillow cases, dresser scarves and quilt squares!

This project is one Sandra is currently working on. It is a memory quilt she is making for her sister using t-shirts which belonged to her sister’s husband who has passed away. She incorporated the shirts as well as a sheet which belonged to her mother. 

                              The back of the quilt shows off the machine quilting Sandra has done.

              Charlene is one of our beginner quilters. She did a fantastic job with her three yard quilt!

For backing Charlene used the picnic table cloth she got from her mom. Cutting, piecing, basting and quilting, great job, Charlene! Welcome to the world of quilting!

          Patty shared her wall hanging of the Station Museum and the old train. Beautiful work, Patty! 

My great grandson is seven months old now so I stitched an I Spy quilt for him. We are going to see him on Easter weekend so will be able to gift it then. Thank you to Evelyn for passing on a set of object blocks to get me started.

We completed the day with Audrey’s program presentation of the Economy block, a square in a square block which will result in another beautiful comfort quilt.

                                                                       Thank you, Audrey!

Our next UFO day is April 6th and next guild day is April 16th. We look forward to seeing you then!
