Thursday 19 March 2009

March Meeting

We had a very nice turn out for our meeting, and a lot of people brought there machine for the afternoon quilting workshop. Over 20 cat quilts were made and thanks to all that participated and to those that took home some quilt to serge the edges. I"m sure the SPCA will be very happy with them.
Our retreat at the Victoria Inn, room 101, is set for April 18 and 19. Please bring your sewing machines, extention cords, a floral/spring fat quater for the exchange, two copies of a cookie recipe for the recipe exchange, a half dozen goodies for us to nibble on and of coarse a quilting project to work on.

We discussed the Quilts of Valour project and made a motion to donate our maple leaf quilt that was finished last fall to the project. I have contacted the organizer and she will be sending me inforation on where to send it. Their website is

We had a fanastic show and tell. Here is Blanches Bow Tie quilt with the blocks that she had won a few years ago. It is hand quilted and the Bow Ties are sashed with attic windows!

Here is Adele's Northwoods quilt that she also hand quilted.

Lori made a banner for her church, i'm sure they are going to love it.

We had a great response for the kids bags for Family Services...way to go ladies!

Our program for the evening was curved piecing and everyone got to sit down and try one. Our new comfort block has curved piecing, it is a cute turtle block that will make a great kids quilt. The guild provided the background fabric and members use their own fabric for the turtles. I have posted pictures of the three i made on my blog if you where not there to see them.

The complete block for our Mystery quilt project was revealed at the meeting and next month you will get the border instructions. We are all looking forward to seeing how everyone's turned out.
Have a great month quilting!

Friday 13 March 2009

March Meeting Reminder

March 17 is our next meeting and i just want to remind you that we will be having a machine quilting lesson in the afternoon from 1 to 5pm. So if your interested in practicing your quilting we will have small cat and dog quilts for everyone to work on. Bring your sewing machine, extention tables, extention cord, basic sewing kit ( scissors, bobbins, etc), thread that you normally quilt with, and most importantly your walking foot and darning foot. If you have Machingers gloves bring those, i have two pair and the guild had a pair if you have never tried them. Also some paper and a pen for taking notes and for practicing drawing designs before you try them on the quilt.

My plan is to show you how to baste the small quilt on a table, then play with the tension on your machines using your walking foot and darning foot and then start quilting. I think the main goal of the afternoon will be to learn how to adjust tension on your machines ( different threads and feet need different tension) and to get your stitches even when freemotioning. The guild does have pounce and stencils if your feel like trying to follow a design too.

I wanted to add this photo on the last posting but i could only post 5 pictures. So here is what we do after the meetings when we are cleaning up. A few months ago Sandra had told us the story of the quilt her daughters made with fabric from her high school grad dress and we asked her to bring the dress. She brought it to the February meeting and i just had to try it on...see how my sweater matches the binding!! This is such a great picture of Sandra!

See you all at the meeting!