Tuesday 11 October 2016

September 2016 Meeting Highlights

We had a busy guild day this month and were able to bind 3 quilts and piece two tops during the day. We had our Friendship Star draw and the guild won so we have a fun quilt to put together next month.   
The binding is now on our first Hunters Star quilt that will be raffled at the Creighton Craft sale on Saturday, Nov 5.  

We also completed our four Quilts of Valour and they will be sent to the Manitoba coordinator to be distributed to wounded Canadian soldiers.

Our Yellow Brick Road quilt was quilted by Marg F and the binding stitched on by Lorna H.  This quilt will be going to the new Family Room at McIsaac School.

Our Ice Cream Cone quilt was quilted by Sandra D and will make a great comfort quilt for a little one.

Our Bow Tie quilt was quilted by Sandra S and will be donated to the CWL for their fall Bazaar in thank you for lending their cup and saucers to our quilt show.


  • Saturday, Oct 22 will be a Comfort Quilt Workshop as well as a Beginner Class at the Church.  We will have a project picked for the Comfort quilt and reveal it at the October meeting.
  • Guild Retreat will be Nov 4 and 5th and we will have a vendor.  Shari from Road 17 N will be joining us and setting up shop so please spread the word.
  • Nov 5 is also the Creighton Craft Sale and we will need volunteers to sell tickets. We will pass a sign up sheet around at the October meeting.

Our program for the evening was quick Placemats demonstrated by Marg F.

We had 32 members at our evening meeting.

Show and Tell

Highway 10 Designs just released a new pattern called Good Vibrations!  It is made with 5" WOF strips and can use a GemFive or Charm Roll.   It can also be a scrap buster and use twenty or forth 5" strips.

Here is the Cover Quilt made with two Nunavut GemFive bundles.

Here is the back cover quilt made with one Great Lakes GemFive bundle.

And here is a scrappy version made with twenty 5" WOF strips.