Monday 11 May 2015

April 2015 Meeting Highlights

We had a wonderful turn out for our April Meeting now that a lot of our snowbirds are home!  We had 33 members and 2 guests join us for the evening meeting.

 The Four Patch blocks are coming in and look great.  You still have another month to sew your blocks if you didn't have time last month.

Sheri introduced our new Black and White Challenge and members picked a marker to add an accent colour to their project.  Kits are $10 and included three fat quarters of black and white prints.  You can add more B+W prints, solid black, solid white to your projects.  No restriction on project sizes, you just have to quilt it yourself!  If you were not at the meeting and would like to participate Sheri will have more kits available at the May meeting.  The projects are due next April and will be displayed at our 2016 quilt show.

We seemed to have overloaded our library cupboard as it couldn't take the weight of the books anymore so we have commissioned the building of a new wood library cupboard. It should be ready to fill at our May meeting!

Highway 10 Designs are getting ready for a Fall retreat at Fabriculous in Swan River on Sept 18, 19, 20.  There are still a few spots left but they are going fast.  Contact Kathy if you are interested in joining the fun!

Our next UFO days will be May 23rd and June 27th so mark those on your calender.

Show and Tell

Happy Quilting!