Thursday 27 June 2019

Wheelchair Quilts

Three beautiful people here with our wheelchair quilts we made and donated to the local care homes.

The wheelchair quilts were quick to do and fun to make up. Quite often, when the care home residents go on outings, they get chilled. Think of hot days, with blasts of cold air conditioning in cars or in the handi-transit bus .. these sweet little throws are the right size as to not get tangled in moving wheels and provide just the right coverage to offer some dignity.

Mr. McKeen was a good sport and handsome model for us! Thank you Art! Thank you Lorna and Sandra for taking on this project.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

June Meeting Highlights

There was quite a big turnout at our June meeting with lots of show and tell for you to see. I'm sorry I missed the meeting and thank Sandra for taking pictures. I'm sorry I missed the meeting and commentary on our pictures this month. Part of show and tell you see is 'Show' and 'Tell' ... sorry, I missed the 'Tell' portion this month!

We have a UFO planned for Saturday, July 6th. I hope you can make it!

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Thread Spools

I wanted to share this sweet picture that was sent to us yesterday ... 

These are two little girls who take part in the Headstart preschool program at the Friendship Centre. The organisation had asked us to save our used thread spools for the kids to use for crafts and science projects. These two little lambs are painting butterflies with our plastic spools. They are the right size for little hands and very innovative! 

Here the little tykes use the spools in playdough crafts.

Goes to show you, nothing goes to waste!

When your spool runs out, toss it in a bag and save it up for us and we will pass them along to program.
