Monday 26 January 2009

Bargello Blocks

While Sandra is away this winter i'll be taking care of the blog so i just wanted to test that i can add a post. The day after the guild meeting i was excited to get working on my Bargello blocks, it's good to take a break from the longarm...once in awhile. The blocks turned out great, this is going to make a fantastic quilt!

If anyone else would like to be able to post on the blog so they can share pictures or ideas about their quilting projects just let Sandra or I know and we can invite you on. It would be nice to get more activity on the blog.

Friday 23 January 2009

January 2009 Meeting

The break in the cold weather saw a small group of quilters turn out to work on our comfort quilts. We had a very productive day. We tied and completed the flannel quilt from January 6th comfort day, and spent time working on the paper pieced tree blocks. These are the last of our comfort squares. But as you can see in the photo below the new squares are almost all in. I think there are a few squares still out, so if any of you have got your square, please either bring it to the meeting or send it with another quilter.

Our next square for February and March is the Bargello, demonstrated by Marg. If you missed the meeting and want a kit, they will be available at the next meeting. Don't they look like fun?
We had some show and tell, her is Alta with a baby quilt.

And Yvonne with her show and tell.

Lori and Kathy demonstrated the next phase of the Mystery quilt. It is starting to get interesting.

Yellow fabric that is to be included in the Bird House blocks is available at the meetings. A reminder that the blocks should not have fusible web applique. We are finding that they become too thick to quilt, when there are several layers of fabric.
The winter issue of the Canadian Quilters in now in the library and contains the photos of Adele and Alene with their CQA Rosette winning quilts from our 2008 Quilt show.
Happy Quilting!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Tamarack Shack

At last Kathy has her long arm quilting machine.
To celebrate the event she had an open house on Sunday January 11.
The Guild sent her this floral arrangement.

Here are some of the ladies enjoying cookies, punch, tea and coffee in the house. Lorie was our most gracious hostess in the house.

Since the Tamarack Shack is just the right size for Kathy, but not all the quilters we took turns going out to see the demos.

Some of us were brave enough to try out the new machine, and some just looked on.

Good luck Kathy, I know we are all happy.

Happy quilting for 2009 everyone!