Tuesday 28 February 2017

February 2017 Meeting Highlights

We had a great response to our call for quilt blocks that will be sent to the Montreal Modern Quilt Guild for their Quilts for Quebec project. Thank you ladies, they look great!

We also finished the quilt that will be donated to the Creighton School for a Playground fundraiser.

Our next Quilt Show is now booked with the Community Hall. Mark Sept 21 and 22, 2018 on your calendars!

Our program for the evening was a Paper Piecing Workshop lead by Evelyn Black.

Now to our Show and Tell.

I also received a few pictures from our snow birds in B.C heading to a quilt retreat and also bottling wine!   If you are away for the winter and would like to share a few pictures of what you're up to please email them to me and I'll share on the blog.

Happy Stitching!

Thursday 2 February 2017

January 2017 Meeting Highlights

We had a great day sewing and worked on making the Four Patch Posy quilt in Black and White fabrics ( no pictures yet).  The center is put together and we just need to add the borders next month.
We also finished putting the borders on the Hexi Flower quilt which is looking great!

The program for the evening was the Circle of Squares block demonstrated by Audrey.  This will be our Comfort block to bring back in February and March.  If you haven't returned your Sister's Choice blocks from Dec and January you can still do that in the next few months as we know many are away for the winter.

We discussed the idea of a new Mystery project or challenge for 2017. If you have any ideas please share with the executive.  I might have a lead on a Mystery Project!

We also discussed having teachers come in to teach and Wendy from Fabriculous has agreed to come up for our Retreat on April 7 and 8th and teach the Necessary Clutch Wallet.  I'll get more details from Wendy as to what she will charge and what supplies we need for the class. I think this would just be a one day class and it could be run on Saturday so those that work during the week can attend.
Now to our favorite part Show and Tell!  Look at how happy these ladies are with their projects!!  Love it!

Happy Stitching!