Thursday 20 August 2015

August 2015 Meeting Highlights

The evening meeting had 23 members and 1 guest.  During the day a few members worked on the Apple Core quilt while eight members practiced their Free Motion skills in Kathy's class.

The Spring Tulip comfort quilt blocks are looking really good and will make a beautiful quilt.  You still have another month to work on your blocks.

A good selection of toddler/youth age flannels have been growing in our guild cupboard thanks to our generous members donating fabric. This spring members cut them into strips for me to take home and make Stitch and Flip quilts on my longarm.   The result is these four toddler comfort quilts.

The next UFO day, Saturday September 12th, has now be changed to a Workshop day and the project will be Baby Stitch and Flip quilts made on our domestic machines.   The fabric and batting will be supplied by the guild and member can either bring their machine for sewing or just come and help with the cutting and pressing.  The more hands the better!

It was announced that the theme for the Fat Quarter Exchange at our Christmas party will be 1930's Reproduction fabric.
Members are also reminded that we will be again collecting Placemats for Meals on Wheels at our Christmas party.

Shari Dyck from Road 17 N in Winkler as offered to send up some quilty goods with her employee Maryanne to our September meeting and set up a small store for us to shop at on guild day.   Then for our October 30th and 31st Retreat Shari will be joining us and setting up a small booth so we can shop her store again!  We are thrilled that Shari is willing to come all this way to join us!

The program for the evening was a YouTube video demonstrating a hand basting technique using boards and a table top. No need to crawl around on the floor.  Here are the videos.
Basting video Part 1   Basting video Part 2

Programs for the next few months are:
September - Biscuit Quilts demonstrated by Marg Faktor
October - English Paper Piecing ( EPP) demonstrated by Audrey Neufeld
November - Paper Piecing the Ice Cream Cone Block demonstrated by Kathy Schwartz

Show and Tell

Here was our special guest for the evening, he was so proud to show off the quilt he made with his grandma Helen!

 Happy Quilting!