Sunday 22 January 2012

January 2012 Meeting Highlights

There were 21 members present and no guests on a very cold January evening.

Correspondence included thank you cards from Marsha & Lucas (Rainville?), for the beautiful quilt presented for being the last baby of 2011. George S. thanked the Guild for the beautiful placemat he received over the Christmas Season.

Many members have returned there recent comfort block, as seem below in three different settings.
Also some of the members are bring in the presidents blocks for Kathy.  They are really looking very nice on the board.

 We worked on comfort quilts in the afternoon.  This is one of the quilt tops we threw together from the fabric in the cupboard and our club cutter.
 Kathy and Audrey have been trying to get the members to take home comfort quilts to machine quilt.
Below is one of the quilts looking for a home.  If you haven't taken a quilt home in a while please consider doing so, as we gave away most of our quilts at Christmas, so now we have to work on new ones.
 Library Report:
New magazines included Fons and Porter, Quiltmaker, and Quilter’s Connection. This edition of Quilter’s Connection had a feature article from Kathy S and Lori S on fabric dyeing. Nice work ladies.

January is the deadline for recipes for the Cookbook – and we are taking suggestions for a title. Please fwd your suggestions to Robin via email at you could win a Cookbook.

Deadline for the May Retreat at Bakers Narrows is the end of January, contact is Sandra Buchberger - her phone number is 472-3783 and email is

 The comfort block was  The Antique Tile block and was demonstrated by Audrey N. Please remember to use tone on tone fabrics, that are jewel tones, if possible, no large prints.

At the Christmas party Rae B. presented a Challenge that was for every Guild member to make one comfort quilt in the next year. For every quilt you donate the Guild will enter your name into a draw. The first of the completed quilts for Rae’s Challenge were turned in

Way to go ladies!

Quilt donations made in the past year were reviewed – the list was lengthy. Great work volunteers!

Quilt Show this year is April 20 and 21, cut off for entering a quilt in the show is April 9, 2012. Entry forms have been emailed to you.

Donations for the Twoonie Parade Baskets for the Quilt Show please contact Marg Lyle ( if you have an item you would like to donate.
 Examples of items for a basket for a quilter include (fat quarters, rulers, machine gloves, binding clips, quilting book, simple pattern). A snack basket could use donations of homemade jams, jellies, salsa, pickles. Do you have a bag and runner that you might like to donate? Funds donated will be used to round out baskets of say thread.

Our thanks to Gail E for making the Guild Raffle Quilt poster for our Bargello Quilt.

 Kathy S demonstrated the different batting she uses for her long arm quilting.  She also handed out a list of these different battings, which are available for purchase from her quilting company The Tamarack Shack.
Show and tell was a success once again.  Sit back and enjoy.  We took photos of some of the backs of the quilts so you can enjoy Kathy's beautiful machine quilting.  Lorie S please take note of the variety of quilting on the mystery quilts.

Happy Quilting!