Wednesday 25 June 2008

June Meeting Highlights

We are back from Quilt Canada 2008, "Quilting on the Edge". Details to follow at the July Meeting.

The round robins were completed at the June meeting. You can see they turned out very nice, and I am sure more people will want to participate the next time the club decides to do it once again. Participants were asked to have their project completed for showing at the Christmas party.

We now have a link to the photos of the quilt show. Barb did a very nice job. Thank you Barb for taking the time to load all those photos onto the net.

I hear the "Marg Show" was very entertaining. Some ladies even said they could give the "Lorie and Kathy Show" some competition. Good to hear, we all enjoy the demo and the entertainment. The two Margs demonstrated "stake and whack".

An invitation was received from the Manitoba Arts Network to show our quilt, “Dreaming of Bears and Geese”, at the 6th Rural and Northern Art Show to be held in Winnipeg at The Bay downtown during the month of July. This quilt placed 1st in Fibre Arts-Quilting at the Northern Juried Art Show held in The Pas in May.

The Alphabet letter blocks need to be handed in so that the quilts can be put together.
3 star blocks are needed to complete the star quilt. If any of our members have those blocks at home please turn them in to the next meeting.

A DVD of Quilt Show picture is available from Lynn at a cost of $5.

Canadiana Quilt raffle: tickets to be sold last two weekends of June at Eddie’s and Extra Foods. There are still some openings available and also for during Main Street Days (June 27/28) that people can sign up for. Contact Marg for any further information.

Here are some photos of the show and tell at the meeting.

Happy Quilting!