Welcome to our Quilt Show 2012!
Our new banner greeted visitors as they arrived at the community hall. I think it was a great addition to the show. Look at that blue sky, we had great weather for the show.
(I just realized looking at this picture that I left my 3 patio stones that held down the banner on the sidewalk!)
Our raffle quilt this year was 'Surf Song', a bargello style quilt designed by Eileen Wright.
I drew the winning ticket on Saturday and the winner was Elizabeth Dahlin from Burnaby, B.C. Now this was quite a surprise to me is the winner was my sister! I bought her 10 tickets for her birthday so I was glad she actually got a gift from me and not just ticket stubs. She has a blue and white quilt on her bed that I hand quilted made many years ago and is now getting a bit worn so this one will be well loved too!
We had a wonderful Merchant Mall with two shops participating. This was the second time Prairie Chicks from Hague, SK joined our show and it was great having them back. Here is Barb and Tammy.
We also had Mami's Country Quilts from Duck Lake, SK join us for the first time and they brought as much merchandise that they could squeeze into their large trailer. They created a beautiful display on our stage and also quickly discovered how friendly and fabric crazy our group is!
Here are a few pictures taken around the show before it opened.

View from the stage.
Guilds Comfort Quilts.
View among the trees.
Quilted bags and table runners.
Now to put on a quilt show you need a lot of volunteers so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the guild members that volunteered their time to help at the show. I also want to thank my Quilt Show Committee.
Thank you Audrey for being my Co-Chair for the show as well as my partner for taking care of the Advertising. I was quite impressed with your ability to get us some amazing deals and even a few days of free advertising on the billboard ;) You also took on the hanging that large quilts on our big trees. This job is not for the timid, you were the take charge kind of person that we needed for the job (and you got to boss men around too!)
That takes me to the next thank you, to the husbands of our guild members that donated their time to help with the set up on Wednesday and Thursday, as well as the take down on Saturday. So thank you Lory, Tim, Bill, Ted, Wayne, Randy and Dave. Your patience and sense of humor was greatly appreciated.
I didn't get a picture of all the guys but did mange to get a shot of Bill putting the sandbags on the trees...for the first time or maybe the second...or did we have to move it again after that? ;)
Thank you Bev for taking on our Raffle quilt. Bev kept track of all our tickets and took charge of setting up the raffle tables when we sold tickets at Eddies and the Coop. And thanks for mixing the tickets in the box just right so my sister could win ;)
If you look on the table you can see a poster with our quilt on it, that is just one example of all the promotional material that Gail Einarson made for us. Thank you for all your work designing our posters and helping with our cookbook design....you are our Promotional Material Girl!
Thank you Eileen for being the "counter of the votes" and the "keeper of the money" for the show. She was also the "keeper of the lists" and in charge of receiving and later the releasing the quilts. You were so organized and on top of it all! I was also very touched by your show of support with all your "I love Tamarack Shack" stickers! :)
Thank you Phyl for taking on the head of Security. It was nice to see so many viewers wearing the white gloves...except when we asked them to take them off to touch Dave's quilt! ;)
Thank you Rae for taking on our In House Raffle Quilts, it was a very pretty display. Too bad about the purple boxes disappearing over night though, glad I was able to find a replacement for them ;)
Thank you Evelyn for taking on the two Admissions Desks. You greeted everyone that came with a smile and had it organized so everyone knew just what to do with the pile of colour coded paper we gave them. We probably owe you a new pair of scissors for all the cutting you had to do!
Thank you to Marg and Cathy for organizing the baskets for our Toonie Parade. What an awesome job you both did with putting the baskets together and making a beautiful display. How can we top that next time?
I also want to thank all the guild members that donated items to the Toonie Parade, the generosity of the members this year was overwhelming.
Thank you to Yvonne, Maxine and Robin for heading the Kitchen. You guys make an awesome team and were on top of everything even when things weren't going so well behind the scenes. You had to deal with arriving to a dirty kitchen, cleaning all the cups before setting them out, broken coffee makers, breaker going off...I think the list is endless and you handled it like pros.
Take a look at our center pieces. Yvonne lead us in a craft at xmas to make the paper flowers to use at the show, they created a wonderful feeling of spring.
Maxine and Robin also organized our guilds Cookbooks which we had on sale at the show for a fundraiser.
And last but not least a Thank you to Barb for being our photographer for the show and taking pictures of all the lovely quilts. And for also running back to your car to get your camera so I could take a picture of you holding your camera beside your first quilt!
The winner of our Insect Block contest was Val Whitbread.
Val received 46 votes for her dragonflies in the sky and I received 45 votes for my mosquito.
Great job Val!
The winner of our Viewers Choice who received the CQA Rosette was Jean Hyska for her 30's Reproduction Quilt. You can see Jean's beautiful quilt on the wall behind our raffle table.
Well I guess this is my last duty as guild president, I can't believe how fast these last two years flew by. I also can't believe you got me to agree to be president in the first place but it was a lot of fun and I think I really grew from the experience. I also want to welcome Audrey to her new role as guild President and if you need me at the meeting Audrey you can find me in the back row with the rest of the trouble makers!
Great job everyone! I wish I could have been there! It looks like it was wonderful. Those vendors would have been hard to resist!
A wonderful show and a super group of women (and a few men) to make it run so smoothly :)
Now rest....because in 2 years we do it all over again!!
the best time ever, tytyty to the market malls for taking my money and giving me such a good selection to choose from. Very good send off to finish your presidential years, Kathy.
A great quilt show and weekend. I am going to miss the meetings. Will think of you every third Tuesday.
Lynn B.
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