Tuesday 26 August 2008

Meeting Minutes For August 2008

We had 32 members turn out for our meeting on a very warm August day.
We finished the top and basted the quilt to give to the Adult Learning Centre. Kathy has taken it away to do her magic quilting and we will have that all ready to go. We also put togwther another baby quilt and worked on a couple more tops. There weren’t many of us out for the day, but we were a productive group.

Our bow tie blocks for the next couple of months are really turning out nicely. If you have picked up some of the light yellow fabric to make a bow tie blocks please don’t forget to turn them in by the September meeting. It would be a great little project for a rainy day early this September.
In the bottom of the picture you will notice the lovely fabric. This is some of the material that has been purchased to participate in the Mystery quilt starting in September. If you have not purchased your fabric, and wish to participate in this fun club project, the material list is available at Faktor’s, along with some really great bargains on fabric. Don’t miss out on the ‘fun, remember what a great time we had with the Round Robin.
Recent purchases using the 25% discount from Faktor’s were displayed. These included 94 metres of fabric to complete current projects and for some future ones and other items such as thread, blades, etc.

Marg Faktor is making a bulk order of batting in September. Please return order forms to her by September 10.

As usual we had some show and tell :
Lynn’s colourful balloon quilt
Joyce’s Sunshine quilt.
Eileen’s Irish chain. This was only the top, Kathy is going to take it home and perform some more magic on it, before Eileen has to say good-bye. This is a lovely gift.

Lorie is holding a paper pieced humming bird block, which she made for the Saskatchewan Transplant Memorial Quilt.

Enjoy the last of our terrific summer weather and Happy Quilting!

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