Monday, 5 May 2008

Highlights of the April 2008 Meeting

The meeting highlights are a little late this month, but I will try and cover what I remember.

We spent the day getting ready for the big quilt show. We got a quilt to the basting stage for the frame on the stage, and we partly assembled a quilt to show one in progress. Kathy had to watch the sewing crew that day, as we all wanted to continue on and complete the quilt top.

The meeting that evening covered every one's jobs for the quilt show.

The list of the new executive was presented as follows:

Past President Evelyn B
President - Lorna H
Vice President - Kathy S
Secretary, Eileen M
Treasurer - ?

Committee Chairs

Membership - Raye W and Yvonne H
Programs - Marg F and Lori S
Cookies - Robin M
Blog - Sandra D
Special Events - Rae B
Comfort Quilts - Marg H

Of course we presented the next level of our round robin. We were to emphasize the existing shape. What do you think? I think they all look just great.

' Here is our Past President Rae showing off her completed Past President's quilt.
This is a lovely photo of our 2008 Quilt of Comfort and Remembrance.

Here is an interesting link. The CQA has posted all of their Trend Tex competition quilts on line for the 2008 Quilt Conference in Newfoundland. Even if you are not interested in the conference, go to this link just to enjoy the 100 plus quilts.
Happy Quilting!

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