Wednesday, 18 September 2019


September Already!

As I write this, there are 98 days left until Christmas. 98 days is not a long time for a quilter!!

I wasn't able to make the meeting myself last night and I thank Rae for filling in as photographer. Here's a sampling of our show and tell.

Marg Faktor lead the program with a lesson on placemats

Rae gave a demo on a new comfort block

Mrs Ariko joined us as Lorna presented some comfort quilts for the Handi-Van ... if you remember last month, we made up a few lap quilts for seniors to enjoy a warm ride to a fro.

The fall retreat is coming up on October 4 & 5th. All members welcome to stay and sew, come for a visit or have dinner. Dinner on Friday night will be catered again ... yay, no dishes to wash! If you care to just come by for dinner, please add your name to the list and contact Phyl or Lorna. We hope to see you then!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the pattern for the lovely comfort block?is it available somewhere?