Monday, 22 April 2024

Guild Day April, 16, 2024

 Today was one of those rainy, turning to slushy, snowy spring days for northern Manitoba/Saskatchewan. Despite the bad weather, or maybe because of it, we had a good turnout of up to 14 members during the day. Too rotten to work outside, let’s quilt!

We sewed, hand-stitched, pin basted, and whatever else came along.

These ladies were busy hand-stitching the binding on several of the comfort quilts. We now have a mix of hand stitched and machine stitched quilts. The hand stitched bindings are beautiful but the machine stitched ones are much quicker. Everyone has their own preference.

The Juki machines were both busy. Audrey was working on “Frankenbatting” and Bev was back from her winter holiday. Welcome home! I expect we will be seeing more returnees next month.

Susan and June were busy pin basting a three yard quilt. If you like this pattern it’s called Roman Holiday and we have it in the guild library. This pattern was also used as one of the choices for the beginner’s class.

Lynn and Sandra are laying out the squares for our fall raffle quilt. Members took home kits made up by Lynn and stitched the various squares. After the squares were laid out, Lorna sewed them together. By day’s end the top was complete except for one border.  Welcome back from your winter holiday, Lorna!

             At our evening meeting we had quite a number of comfort quilts to share with members.

This is a baby quilt that Audrey stitched. The cotton lace eyelet ruffle she sewed into the binding added a lovely bit of interest to a simple quilt. I’m sure she’s given us ideas for other embellishments we can use. It’s a good way to use some of those odds and ends that are kicking around our sewing rooms!

Here she has another idea for embellishing a simple quilt. Audrey has added a strip of rickrack to every plain row on this quilt top. Do you have some rickrack hidden away in a corner that you thought you have no use for? Put it on a quilt top!

This is another of the Emergency Services quilts that Audrey has been working on. It is now complete and ready for donation.

A good way to use strips and scraps is this Jelly Roll Race quilt. This is another Emergency Services quilt complete. We also pin basted another for the same purpose which I am sure we’ll see next month. Audrey is a prolific quilter!

Bev pieced and quilted this baby quilt from flannel which was donated to us. It’s such a bright and happy quilt.

This creation of Bev’s started with a panel which she sliced into strips and added some other matching fabrics and voila! A very creative and interesting child’s quilt. Great work, Bev!

I demonstrated a block called Circle of Friends last fall. I must admit it was not the best of choices for a block as it had many seams and HST’s but everyone struggled through it and we had enough squares to make up this twin size quilt. The yellow and gray coupled with a white background worked out well. I was pleased with the final result after I finished the quilting and machine binding. I have to admit that hand stitching binding is not my favourite part of constructing a quilt. Thank you to the members that completed blocks.

We now have six completed Emergency Services quilts and twenty-four comfort quilts. Our members have been doing fabulous work! We should have a good number for donation by November.

Show and Tell:

While in Arizona this winter, Bev completed her paper bag quilt. This is one she started quite a number of years ago and wasn’t sure how to finish. Marg F. helped her out and she was able to complete it. A lady in Arizona did the longarm quilting for her. Beautiful!

Bev’s husband, Randy, created his own version of a quilt. He was learning wood burning techniques and this is his quilt! Congratulations, Randy, you learned well!

Audrey made this table runner with a Block in a Box which she had purchased from Faktor’s and added onto.

                                        Audrey used Christmas fabrics for this star pillow. 

Lynn presented a program on straight line quilting. She had lots of good tips and all those who have tried this type of quilting added to it from their own experiences. All in all, it was very helpful. 

It’s nice to see so many of our members trying their hand at machine quilting. 

A reminder that there will be no UFO on May 4th as the 3rd and 4th are our retreat days. If you want to attend the catered supper on May 3rd, please let Lynn know by April 27. Lynn will have a small project for us to work on Saturday at 11:00 am.

See you all on May 3rd!


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