Friday, 30 May 2014

May Meeting Highlights

I thought I would start this post by pointing out that I have added all the dates for our meetings, UFO days, workshops and retreats to the sidebar at the very top.  So if you wondering what is happening for the next few months it's all there.

Guild quilts being donated to Dialysis.

New Business
Sheri Fox was introduced as our new guild president.  Sheri thanked everyone for the nomination and she presented outgoing president Audrey Neufeld with a plant basket. 

The remainder of 2014 will be the “Year of the Child” with the focus of making quilts for children. 

There was discussion on purchasing new sewing machines. A motion was made by Marg Faktor that the guild buy two new Janome 3160 QDC sewing machines.  The guild will also look at purchasing some new irons, ironing pads and repairing an ironing board.

Rae Baumgartner made a motion that all UFO days will cost $10 with an occasional unplanned free day for everyone present. 

Sheri introduced a summer UFO challenge to get members to completing UFO projects and there will be prizes for the oldest as well as most completed.

Various workshops will be offered this year. There will be a workshop with the Highway 10 Designs Lug Nuts pattern on August 16th.

New member workshops making the Mahjongg pattern will be held on June 7th and 14th.  Kits are available for $75.  New members get first pick with remaining kits available to other members if any are left.

Sign-up and information sheets were made available for the September retreat in Swan River.  The cost will be $125 with a $50 deposit due by June 17th.   NSQG can sign up 12 participants.

Show and Tell

 Great Show and Tell ladies!  See you next month.

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