Thursday, 25 October 2012

October 2012 Meeting Highlights.

We had a busy time at the church during the day.
Kathy demonstrated the curved ruler, using the nine patch squares the guild members turned in over the summer.

 We also viewed a video, demonstrating the 6 hour quilt, in preparation for the six hour workshop.

28 members and 1 guest turned out on a rainy evening for our business meeting.

Habitat for Humanity has responded that they would be thrilled to receive quilts for the family members to be awarded the home in the future.

The Juried Art Show in 2013 will be in Churchill MB. Some ideas were discussed.

The retreat has been scheduled for Friday Nov. 9th and Saturday Nov. 10th.  There will be a potluck supper on Friday at 6:00pm and everyone is invited to attend. 

Marg F made a motion to buy the church kitchen 2 electric knives for the use of the kitchen. 

Remember Meals on Wheels placemats for the Christmas season. They do not have to be Christmas themed.

Kits for 14 quilts have been assembled for the Six Hour Comfort Quilt on Oct. 20th.

Keepers Quilts,  in Winnipeg Beach is having a BOM using batiks beginning Jan 2013.  The cost is $25/month for 13 months.  Check it out at  On the home page click on Shop on line, then Series and Block of the month Quilts and view Fins and Tales to see project.  Register at

There is an executive meeting scheduled for 5 pm on November 20th.  All are welcome.

Lorna H  read a moving article from Quilter’s Connection fall 2012, titled “It’s Not Just a Comfort Quilt” telling the story of one recipients experience of what a comfort quilt meant to her.

Below is another completed comfort quilt

The Zig Zag quilt top was started and completed at our day meeting in the church.
This is making good use of the 5 1/2 inch squares the members have been turning it.

Here are a few of the comfort blocks that were turned in at the last meeting.  They are going to make a nice quilt.

                                        Rae's Challenge

We had a huge response to Rae challenge this month.  Good work members.

                                      The Program

Marg  Marg H and Adele K presented an inspiring trunk show highlighting quilts they have crafted over the years.  They were hand quilted, appliquéd, samples from classes they took over the years, wall hangings and sampler quilts just to name a few.

Show and Tell

Now if that wasn't enough viewing for you, here is the show and tell to enjoy.

Happy Quilting
Sandra D

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the coffee placemats...where did she find the pattern or did she make her own pattern?
