Wednesday, 25 April 2012

April 2012 PreQuilt Show Meeting

There were 35 members and no guests at our April quilt meeting.

A large portion of the meeting was spent covering all the fine details of putting on the quilt show that was such a huge success.

The cook books were unveiled at the meeting. The name picked was “Sew Delicious” and the winner of the “Name the cookbook” contest was Lynn Fischer.

 The Weed Whacker block will continue as the comfort block for May.
Some of the toy blocks from Christmas 2010 were placed onto this comfort quilt.
We will be making 2 more smaller quilts from the remaining toy blocks.

 Two of our prairie points quilts were returned all quilted and bound.

 Here is the top of a quilt square called lazy angle.  This was made in the afternoon.

 The members were very generous in their contributions to the Loonie parade baskets.
Here are some of the items turned in at the meeting for the raffle.
The final result was one of the best Loonie parades I have ever seen.  Thanks to our generous quilt ladies.

One more quilt turned in completed.  The old Italian square.

And this picture just could not go into the regular show and tell.  Here is our photographer Barb holding her very first quilt.  Congratulations Barb.

Here are five more quilts donated by Sheri for Rae's Challenge.

Now get a cup of tea and sit back and relax for the big show and tell to follow.  Everyone was finishing off items for the quilt show.

Happy Quilting

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