Monday, 31 October 2011

October 2011 Meetings Highlights

We had a total of 35 members come out to our October meeting.

Some of our members completed and returned the Old Italian square.  As you can see they are a very interesting square.  If you haven't completed yours yet, don't worry you can return it completed for the November meeting.

 Marg demonstrated the final stage of the paper bag quilt.

 The afternoon and evening demonstration included the use of the x Block ruler.  The members were putting these lessons to use by constructing the black and white quilt below.

 The afternoon sewers completed the star quilt top
 While these  Three new comfort quilts came back from our member quilted and bound

A reminder was given about the dates when we will be selling tickets for our raffle quilts.
(On Saturday November 5th we will be selling tickets on our Bargello quilt at the Flin Flon Craft sale as well as selling tickets on our Snowman quilt at the Creighton Craft show.  If you have any items that you would like to sell at the Creighton sale please let Kathy know so we can arrange to have them at the table.  We have all the volunteers we need for the Creighton table but we need a few more for the Bargello table. )

A Quilt Show meeting will be held at 5pm at our November Guild Day. (If you have signed up for a job or would like to still help we hope you can make it.  We will be going over the jobs that need to be done, block contest theme, challenge ideas, so if you have any ideas you would like to share or questions about the job you signed up for please come.)

We had a large show and tell for the evening as well. So get your tea and sit back and enjoy all the hard  and creative work from our members.

Happy Quilting!


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