Monday, 1 November 2010

DO NOT PANIC.....that's our job!

So maybe you shouldn't have trusted us so quickly!  GULP!   Okay here goes...... Lori and I have just discovered a itsy bitsy teeny weeny error in the cutting instructions to our Mystery Quilt.  **hides behind hands**
 We are very sorry!

The good news - the cutting instructions are fine for the Lap and Twin sizes so if you picked one of those sizes take a sigh of relief, sorry to alarm you.  Keep up the good work.
The bad news - you guess it.... Queens size instructions has the error, but only in one of your beautifully labeled baggies.   The mistake is with the background fabric in baggy I.  It said to cut WOF 2 1/2" wide but I should have said 3 1/2" wide.  Honest mistake, right? 

If you have not cut your fabric then please change this in your instructions or contact Lori or myself.
Now if you have cut your fabric all is not lost, honest, if there is a way to figure out how to fix this Lori and I will find us!
I am looking at my Queen size fabric CUT and have figured out that I have enough extra fabric from buying the required amount to cut 4 new strips and can piece together the 3 more I need.
So if you have your fabric cut for the Queen size quilt please bring your fabric to the meeting and Lori and I will help you figure out the best way to approach the fix.

Oh more good news....the strips you cut at 2 1/2" could be used for binding.  See things are looking better already!

So please spread the word about this error to other guild members that are participating in our Mystery Project. 

I think it is time for a bit of chocolate... the nausea experienced when discovering the mistake is starting to settle down a bit.   

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