Tuesday, 31 August 2010

August 2010 Meeting

27 ladies and 6 guests turned out this August for our monthly guild meeting.

Here is a representative from the Supportive Living Program receiving a quilt which they are donating to one of their clients.

Several of last month's Rag time Quilt kits were returned. There is still one quilt kit available to do.

Several of the ladies started a quilt bag in the afternoon. Here they are proudly displaying their unfinished projects. The pattern for the quilt bag is in the book Jelly Roll Quilts, and can be found in our library.

The September 21 afternoon program will be personal quilting in the morning, preparation for Culture days program and guild projects in the afternoon.
Marg F will be available to sharpen scissors ($2.00 a pair).
The evening will include a guest speaking on Rx for Quilters and the first part of the new Mystery Quilt project will be revealed.
The new comfort block for September and October is called a Simple Pinwheel, as demonstrated by Audry. It will be used in quilts for the quilts for Valour program. Please bring back any leftover fabric.

The program for the evening was Quilting Basics and was demonstrated by various guild members.

Old Business things to remember.

Culture days will be held September 24th and 25th. Entry forms are available. A quilting station will be part of the program.

SPCA Quilt blocks (pet theme of any size) should be turned in at the October Meeting.

A quilt retreat will be held at the United Church on November 12th and 13th.

Our Christmas party will be held on December 21st. The fat quarter exchange will be blue, the new block draw will be an 8 1/2 inch block using a toy theme and the scrap challenge. We will again be accepting place mats for donation to the Meals on Wheels program.

Here is another one of our completed comfort quilts

And Lorna H displays her completed Mystery sampler from last winter.

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