Friday, 28 May 2010

May 18, 2010 Meeting Highlights

There were 38 members and 1 guest at our meeting on a very warm spring evening.

There was a large turn out in the day, where we worked on more comfort quilts.

For the evening meeting Audrey demonstrated paper piecing to both teach and refresh members old and new.
Our new comfort block for May and June is paper pieced cones. As you can see we are having and enthusiastic response to this project.

For the June workshop portion the morning will be personal projects using your own machine and the afternoon spent making guild Ragtime Quilts. If you can, please bring pre washed flannel and/or flannelet scraps that can be cut into 4", 6", 8" squares. Please keep the flannel and flannelet separated and labelled. for more information call Audrey 472 3473 or
The June evening meeting will be on marking tools. Please bring your favorite marking tool to share with the rest of the group.
Any "orphan" blocks you may have can be donated to the guild for use in future projects.
Maple leaf blocks for the Quilt of Valour are still being collected but any new ideas for a different block to use would be appreciated.
The recycle sale of unwanted quilting items will be held in July. Proceeds will go to the NSQG. These items will be ones that members no longer want or use and are willing to donate to the guild.
Below is the new executive for your 2010 and 2011 quilt year. And this happy group is your your out going executive. Notice some members are still involved in the new executive.

Lori and Kathy introduced a new mystery quilt called "You're Just Going To Have To Trust Us"
It will begin in September and end in March. A handout of fabric requirements was given out
The Women's Resource Centre was given the applique flower quilt to use in a raffle. Four quilts were donated to the Creighton Kids First North program.
The July meeting date will be changed to the Second Tuesday (July 13) for July only.
There will be a member retreat to work on our own projects at the United Church hall on Friday June 11th and Saturday June 12th. from 9 AM to 9 PM. Bring and appetizer to share and your own lunch. We will order out our supper.
Our guild will be involved in Culture Days, a celebration of all the arts throughout our nation on the weekend of Sept 24 and 25th. Ideas of what we could do at the quilting station are welcomed.

Below is a small sample of the extensive show and tell at the meeting:
Kathy with her black and white quilt.

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