Thursday, 17 July 2008

July 2008 Meeting Highlights

We had a small group of ladies show up for the all day quilting. We happily sewed on comfort quilts and club quilts while out side we had a summer storm. Nice day for sewing, but there a lot of nice sewing days this July. We should see some good show and tell this fall, if we keep getting all this rain.
We finished two quilt tops and took a good bite out of another before the day was done. A good days work.
Below you can see the final results for the friendships star blocks for June and July comfort quilt blocks. Sandra S was the lucky recipient of 57 friendship blocks. Looking forward to seeing that quilt Sandra.

We are still looking for three blocks. These blocks were from the baby chenniling project that the club handed out. We would like to have those blocks back, either finished or unfinished. Then we would be able to complete the two baby quilts that are missing the last blocks. If anyone knows where they are, could you please hand them into one of the other members, or bring them to Faktors, or to the meeting.
The raffle for the Canadian quilt was a very large success. Thank You to all the organizers and members who showed up and sold tickets.
The DVD's of the quilt show are still available at Faktors.

We will be having another retreat this fall at the Victoria Inn. The dates are Saturday and Sunday, November 1 and 2. Put that on your calender, we will be having sign up sheets at the September or October meeting.

The program for the evening was a presentation by The Twisted sisters, Rae, Sandra and Lorna gave a presentation and entertaining report on their activities at eh CQA Quilt Canada in St. John's, Newfoundland in June. It included a show and tell of several items that they had brought home with them, many of which they had won. Below is a sample of a hand sewn quilt at the presentation and now owned by Lorna.

Here are some of the ladies with their show and tell items.

Lynn with her lovely Inukshuk wall hanging.

Eileen with her completed sixteen patch square quilt. She even quilted it all by herself. Good Job.
Evelyn made a red hat wall hanging.
The club is going to run a mystery quilt starting in September. I have listed the details and requirements in its own title.

Happy Quilting!

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