Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Boomer Caps

Here are some of the Boomer caps that were made by Rae's sister Bette and by Evelyn B.
The pattern to make these caps is available at Faktor's. Rae is taking these with her to B.C. where the Canadian Forces will take them to Afganistan. They are used to keep the small infants warm and reduce the mortality rate. I have enclosed a link to the explanation of the cap's name "Boomer Cap"

Here is a link to the PDF for the pattern

The information on both the links is worth uploading and reading. If any of our members wish to make some of these hats, the Guild will see that they are sent away.


  1. This is a sample comment to see if the comment section is working. Just sign in as other and your name and push publish your comment and you should be okay.

  2. Just testing to see if i can leave a comment if I sign in under 'other'.
    The pictures from last nights meeting look great!
    I have 6 Jar blocks made, hope you are all working hard on yours :)

  3. Boomer Caps are a very worthwhile project, will get started on them tonight at the stitch and bitch

    Robin M

    Hope to get working on my jars tomorrow

  4. Yvonne said...

    Hope to start on my jar blocks tomorrow. I have made three hats to date. They sure knit up fast. I put a little top on one to see how it would look. Is that acceptable or do we have to use the pattern posted?
